The creative quality of Pragmatic Play’s games is what makes them stand out from the crowd. These games feature a variety of styles and bonus rounds that set them apart from other video slots. Bonus rounds and stages can be played across multiple screens, giving players the chance to win more prizes. There are a number of different bonus stages and ways to win more money in each game. Here are a few things to keep in mind when choosing a Pragmatic Play slot.
The developer of Pragmatic Play was founded in 2007 as Topgame Technology and initially focused on the American market. However, the company expanded its horizons and is currently available in over 80 countries and 18 languages. Founded by Anna Yakovleva, Pragmatic Play is owned by Deependra Bhartari and has offices in Malta and London. The company’s executive team includes Yossi Barzely, Director of Sales, Mykola Tavanyuk, and Victoria Bonner.
Apart from the games, Pragmatic Play also provides tournaments that can help players win cash prizes. These tournaments are hosted in Romania and are gaining momentum with players all over the world. These tournaments have many different perks, such as multipliers and cash prizes. The games are also designed in a way that players can customize their experience as much as possible. If you want to play with real money, try the live casino version.